Arrivals & Departures
All students arriving before 7:30 will be supervised on the playground (September - October & April - June) and in the hallways (November - March) . Students should not arrive at school before 7:18 a.m. or be picked up later than 2:20 p.m.
Bussing: With student safety in mind, St. Michael Elementary was designed with a separate bussing area. All students who ride the bus will be picked up and dropped off near Doors F and G, which is located on the south side of the school.
Transportation is provided by Don's Bus Service, Inc. of Albertville. Please call (763) 497-2585 with any questions regarding busing information.
Parent Transportation: Parents who drive their children to and/or from school may drop them off or pick them up in the front of the school on the north side. Parents may access the school from Central Ave., and their children may use Door A. Students should not arrive at school before 7:18 a.m. or be picked up later than 2:20 p.m.
Bicyclist and Walkers: Students who bike or walk may enter at Door F. Bike racks are located near the back of the building.
Students walking to school will have TWO supervised crossings in the AM and PM.
- 7:20 – 7:30 am at the corner of St. Michael Parkway and 1st Street West to help students safely cross eastbound County Road 35.
- 7:20 am at the crosswalk on the west side of Cornerstone Apartments to help students safely cross 1st Street.
- 2:15 pm - 2:20 pm at both crosswalks